Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Audio in After Effects

Had to separate the highs and lows, convert the audio to key frames then use expressions in the code (linear, value) to pick whip the data to Particular and get the audio to sync up. Pretty cool effect. Thanks Andrew Kramer.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Blufire Studio project for BYU

Once a year Blufire Studios awards BYU with a scholarship where they provide visual effects to one film.  This year Cricketless won.  Since I am an intern at Blufire Studios I was given the raw footage along with the Photoshop and Illustrator files and asked to composite the graphics into the film.  I was also responsible for the rotoscoping and animating of the graphics.  Visit the Cricketless website for more information about the movie.
I was responsible for a total of twenty-three 2-6 second long clips.  Below are some before and after stills of some of the shots I was responsible for.

I received three credits in the movie, Compositor /Rotoscope Artist /Motion Designer.
This was a great project and I learned a lot.

For higher quality video go to my Vimeo site here http://www.vimeo.com/robgilchrist.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010


I'm planning a project using different Ai and Ps elements along with some different effects in AE to create a more elaborate motion graphics scene.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Project in AE - Bang!

I made this project because the idea got stuck in my head and I had to get it out.  I learned a lot about keying and plug-ins and using Bridge to simplify the process.  I used Photoshop to get all the elements.

This is the background photo that I used. I used the Clone Stamp and Healing Brush Tools to give me a blank backdrop to start with and to make multiple layers in the fore and middle ground. 

I wanted to keep with the feel of the project when I put my stamp on it but I still haven't gotten it quit right. Have any suggestions? 


Here's Jane with the weather... Thanks Bob.

This is the first project I made for an actual client.  I was told a day a half before the deadline and stayed up until 5AM getting the elements done in Illustrator then importing them into Photoshop to add some more 'pop' before finally taking them into After Effects to show them in motion and add some effects. 

I penned out a map in Illustrator first. Mainly because I wanted to get warmed up on the Pen Tool. But then decided to go with a satellite image to make it look more professional. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

First ever After Effects Comp.

Okay, so this was my first try at anything in After Effects. I took an old project from a Photoshop class at Dixie State and imported it into After Effects as a composition keeping the layers intact. I then fooled around with giving them some motion and added a funky WEEN song in the background. 

Here is the original Photoshop final image. The assignment was to make a collage of images that showed some cohesiveness. 

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Quick Motion Graphics

Just a quick video demonstrating Illustrator and After Effects. The quality is horrible because of the compression into .FLV but you get the idea.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Past projects in Adobe Photoshop (2009-2010)

When I met McCain. Now I need to let everyone know that I have nothing against John McCain. I just found this image online and couldn't resist. Apparently he had something stuck in his throat.

Sort of a montage.

 My boys at the beach. This was my first attempt at adding in an image on top of another. I then added the shadow to make it look more realistic.  

My son Lachlan looking cold. Just a quick masking exercise. 

When I met Nixon. Again, saw the image and couldn't resist. 

Past projects in Adobe Illustrator (2009-2010)

 3D Tool


 Exercise using the pen tool.

 Created this self portrait using fonts.

Realistic object.

Things to inspire me...