Saturday, December 18, 2010

Audio in After Effects

Had to separate the highs and lows, convert the audio to key frames then use expressions in the code (linear, value) to pick whip the data to Particular and get the audio to sync up. Pretty cool effect. Thanks Andrew Kramer.


  1. Scene: A woman is just getting out of the shower, throwing the bathrobe over her still slightly damp shoulders. From its position downstairs, she hears the doorbell's ring echo through the plushly decorated house. She stops to check herself in the semi-steamed up mirror, gives herself a satisfied smile that seems to say "Oh yes, that'll do nicely," and then walks towards the door.

    Cutting to an over-the-shoulder shot of a man outside the home, we see the door open to the inside of the house. The woman, somewhat urgently, asks, "Yes?"

    Reverse shot: it's revealed that the man is about 20, tall, and muscular. He's clutching a large pizza box and wears the requisite uniform— replete with ball cap.

    "I have your delivery," he says in a low, deep, rough voice.

    It's on this cue that the giant chicken from Family Guy starts fighting with the pizza guy.

    End of line.
